Cayosoft Administrator For Microsoft Office
Ensuring Your Organization’s License & Reporting Goals Are Met

Automated User Provisioning

  • User Provisioning – Automate the creation of accounts one-by-one or from your company’s HR/ERP/SIS employee data. Assign Office 365 licenses, group memberships, and mailboxes; change settings, set policies, pre-provision OneDrive and more.
  • User Deprovisioning – Automate de-provisioning when users depart, revoke Office 365 licenses, clean-up groups, wipe mobile devices and more.

Roles for Granular Delegation

  • Delegation of Tasks - Assign only the commands needed by each administrator to perform his or her job. By limiting the actions each admin can take, a true least-privileged delegation model is created.
  • Administrative Units (AU)- Utilize AUs, which limit the number and type of users or resources each administrator can see and make changes to. Administrative Units are easily created based on Office, Department, City, or by Usage Location.

Rules for Policy Enforcement & Automation

  • Enforce IT Policy - Improve admin efficiency and eliminate costly mistakes. Turn text fields into drop-down lists to avoid mistakes. Require specific settings to be chosen or specific fields to be filled out. Automatically generate sign-on names according to your organization's standards.
  • Runbook Automation - Orchestrate individual tasks into more complex operations like user provisioning or de-provisioning. Validate or remediate security policies settings without complex workflows or hard-to-maintain scripting.

Drive User Adoption

  • License Usage Analytics - Understand how each user is using key options of his/her Office 365 license and quickly identify potential costs savings.
  • Drive User Adoption -  Use the visibility provided by license usage analytics to adjust license assignments among users to better reflect their actual usage. Alternatively, apply targeting training to drive user adoption, increasing collaboration and efficiency among users.

License Management

  • Automatic Assignments - Eliminate time-consuming and error-prone manual license assignments with rule-based, automatic assignments. Allotting licenses by attribute (like department or country) or by group membership makes both initial assignments and license changes fast and easy.
  • Simplified Manual Assignments - Use licensing rules to  control which licenses are shown to administrators, which license options are hidden, which license options are required, and which are optional. Licensing rules are also configurable based on Administrative Unit Scope; for example, license type and the number of available licenses can be different between departments, domains or office locations.

Automatic Group Management

  • Automatically Accurate Groups - Eliminate the time-consuming manual management of groups and the inevitable costly mistakes that come with it. With automatically-maintained group memberships, you sustain security, IT efficiency, and compliance goals.
  • Granular Membership Rules - Automatically update group memberships as users are added or changed with defined group membership rules. Groups can be configured to include or exclude users based on a variety of attributes and requirements, adding another layer of security.